CUPRINS Nr. 9-10 / 2008

Cel de al 21-lea Congres Mondial Minier - 21ST World Mining Congress
Arad V.
Contributia Catedrei de inginerie miniera si securitate in industrie in dezvoltarea invatamantului superior minier - The Contribution of The Mining Engineering and Security Department in The development of The Mining Superior Education
The Mining Engineering and Industrial Safety Department, the former Underground Mining Exploitation Department, was established when the entire Romanian mining high level education was concentrated in Petrosani. Since October 2007, the department changed his name in order to address a wider spectrum of the workforce market in Romania.
Cozma E., Onica I.
Determinarea presiunii exercitata de rambleu asupra structurilor de sustinere in cazul putului principal Anina - The Determination of The Exercised Pressure by The Waste over The Support Structures in The Case of The Principal Anina Well
In this paper are presented the calculus methods of the loads on the shafts supports acting by the stowing material.
Arad S., Arad V., Jujan C.
Tendinte actuale in producerea si utilizarea ca resursa energetica a carbunelui din Valea Jiului - Current Trends in Production and use of Coal Like Energy Resources in The Jiu Valley Region
The mining industry from Romania knows a serious decline in the last years, at this times, it is in an ample restructuring. Now, CNH Petrosani is the only supplier for bituminous coal for electrical and thermal energy production in Romania.
Badulescu D., Dane I. F.
Perspective pentru domeniul minier, cu propuneri socio-economice pentru Valea Jiului - Perspectives for The Mining Domain with Social-Economical Proposals for Jiu Valley
The program is based on the transformation of the mining unities in limited firms total self-management, solution that doesn't require financial support and excludes subsidize, financial blocking and labor related litigations. In this paper we present some concrete propositions concerning the mining in general and Jiu Valley in particular.
Babut G., Moraru R.
Tendinte actuale si perspective in invatamantul Superior minier mondial - Present Trends and Prospects in The Worldwide Mining High Level Education
The major changes occurred in worldwide mining education system induces specific consequences both at graduate and postgraduate courses level. The paper synthesis the present trends concerning the interconnecting in networks the universities and high mining schools, the operational collaboration with mining industry, the extension of the distance education programs and emphasises the perspectives and the possible development ways.
Frank A.M., Badulescu D., Herbei O.
Aspecte cu privire la stabilitatea constructiilor din zonele afectate de exploatarile miniere subterane - Aspects Regarding The Establishment of The Buildings from The Areas that were affected by The Underground Mining Exploitations
This paper intends to present some aspects concerning the stability of the constructions in the influence perimeters of the underground exploitations.
Arad V.
Cercetari teoretice si experimentale privind regimul de presiune miniera - Theoretical and Experimental Research Regarding The Mining Pressure Conditions
In view of assessing the pressure state regime in horizontal mine workings, a mine pressure monitoring system based on deformation/displacement of the rocks around the mine working was designed, employing an "in-situ" dynamometric device.
Goldan T., Moraru R., Babut G.
Energia electrica pe baza de carbune si emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera - Electrical Energy Based on Coal and Gas Emission with Greenhouse Effect
Numerous governments are now calling for very significant cuts in greenhouse gas emissions in the longer term (some of the order of 50% by 2050, and others on a carbon intensity basis), but action will be ineffective in the absence of participation of numerous countries that are major greenhouse gas emitters.
Arad V., Arad S., Danciu C., Caragea S. V.
Cercetari geomecanice privind rocile din Perimetrul Certej - Geomechamical Research of Rocks from Certej Perimeter
This document is a presentation of geomechanical properties and varieties of the rocks from Certej Perimeter. We have established the variation domain and the posibility to utilizate the rocks in the terestrial comunication infrastructure, concrete or asphalt mixture.
Moraru R., Babut G.
Particularitatile fazei de identificare a pericolelor in procesul de apreciere a riscurilor din industria miniera - Particularities of The Dangers' Identification Phase in The Appreciation Process of The risks in The Mining Industry
The paper systematically emphaizes the specific issues to be approac hed during the risk identification step in mining working systems, in every life-cycle stage, ranging from design until closure and rehabilitation.
Arad V., Arad S., Toroapa C.
Cauzele ale accidentelor in barajele de deseuri - Causes of The Accidents in The Waste Material Barrage
This paper introduces the major feature of tailing dams and building technique as well as waste deposition at the dam and reservoire. In this article discusses the major geotechnical features of the waste so that dams display superior performance and safety levels.
Neag I.
Determinarea grafica a debitului de aer necesar aerisirii camerelor la saline - The Graphical Determination of The Necessary Air Intensity for The Ventilation of The rooms in The Saline
The paper deals with the assessment of airflow required for ventilating the rooms within the salt mines, mined out by room-and-pillars, employing a graphical method.
Szep R., Arad V., Arad S.
Salcie energetica, o oportunitate privind utilizarea terenurilor degradate din zonele miniere - Energetic Willow, an Opportunity Regarding The use of The Degraded Lands from The Mining Areas
This paper presents certain aspects related to the cultivation of the energetic willow and its use as alternative power source.
Babut G., Babut C. M.
Tipologia actelor de rea-vointa susceptibile de a fi luate in considerare in procesul de evaluare a riscurilor de producere a accidentelor majore - Typology of Malevolent Acts Susceptible to be Considered in The Risk Assessment Process of The Major Accidents
The paper has the goal to present a detailed typology of the relevant malevolent acts in the field of industrial safety.
Dioane R. A., Arad V.
Cercetari privind utilizarea gazului metan rezultat din degazarea stratelor de carbuni - Research Regarding The use of The Resulted Methane Gas from The Degassing of The Coal Levels
In this paper are presented the tehnologies wich use Coal Mine Methane (CMM). Taking into account the methane concentrations and the airflow of ventilations shafts,it can be used different technologies like Internal Combustions Enginees, Fuell Cells, Turbines or Thermal Flow Reversal Reactors
Moraru R., Babut G.
Solutii tehnice de diminuare a condensului pe galeria principala de acces in mina Transilvania, Salina Ocna Dej - Technical Solutions for Condensation Rate Diminishment in Transilvania Mine's main Intake, at Ocna Dej Salt Mine
The paper represents a synthesis of the research studies carried out to assess the possibilities of improving the mine ventilation system structure and operation in Ocna Dej salt mine, focused on emphasizing the technical alternatives that can be applied in order to decrease the condensation rate in Transilvania mine main intake.
Danciu C., Arad V.
Studiul comparativ asupra fenomenului de compresibilitate-dilatanta - Comparative Study over The Phenomena of Compressibility-Dilatation
This paper proposed to study a new comparison method that can make an obvious detaching compressibility domain in regard of dilatation domain.
Babut C. M.
Stabilirea bazelor metodologice de evaluare a riscului pentru amplasamentele aflate sub incidenta prevederilor Directivei Seveso II - Development of Risk Assessment Methodological Basis for Establishments Concerned by The Requirements of Seveso II Directive
In the aim of preventing and controlling major accident hazards involving dangerous substances, many risk assessment methodologies have been developed worldwide. Until now, in Romania no formalized methodology has been proposed to competent authorities to determine the risk level of an industrial establishment.