CUPRINS Nr. 5-6 / 2008

Prezentarea activitatii didactice si stiintifice a Catedrei de Topografie si Constructii si a specializarilor coordonate - The Presentation of Didactic and Scientific Activity of Building and Topography Department and of Coordinate Specializations
Semen C.
Posibilitati de imbunatatire a procesului de dislocare a rocilor la realizarea aductiunilor principale din cadrul amenajarii hidroenergetice Bumbesti - Livezeni - Possibilities of Improving The Rocks Process of Breaking up at The Principal Adduction Realization in The Hydro-Energetic Arrangements Bumbesti-Livezeni
The hydropower developmenet of the river Jiu on the sector Livezeni+Bumbesti includes 2 HPP located in the googes area, connected bz a headrace tunnel length of 20 km, gross total water head 252 m, installed flow 36 m3/sinstalled power 65 MW. The dominant rock types, undercrossed by the gallery, are the schyts of all kinds, quartz gneiss, the anphybolite, diorite, rocks classified into 5 types considering the quality coefficient (Q).
Dima N., Filip L.
Corelatiile intre marimile masurate intr-o baza topografica subterana - Correlations Between The Measured Sizes in an Underground Topographic Base
The survey fundaments in the underground formed of polygonal lines, have a major importance in leading the opening, preparing and exploitation mining workings. The imposed precision in order to realize them, depends of the precision on which the observation of angles and distances, and also the way in which these measurements are correlated. Upon the correlations between distances, angles or between distances and angles, certain considerations are formed.
Herbei O., Ular R.
Utilizarea tehnologiilor GPS - Actualitate si perspectiva - The Use of GPS Technologies - Present and Perspective
The GPS or Global Positioning System is base don a constelation of 32 satelites that rotate at the highest point around the earth. In a certain sense these can be considered stars made by men, which should replace the stars used by men for centuries. The multiple and possible applications of GPS are in geodesy, topography and fotogrammetry. The applications that had been affirmed rapidly modify proffoundly and will modify also in the near future the traditional operative technics of the space.
Ortelecan M., Ciotlaus A., Veres J.
Analiza comparativa a valorilor rezultate in urma prelucrarii masuratorilor cu diverse tipuri de trasee poligonale - Comparative Analysis of Resulted Values from The Sizes Processing with Different Types of Polygonal Directions
The authors of present work paper intend to make an analysis of coordonate values belonging to some support routes necessary to lift, mark or follow industrial or civil, mining, cadastrial objectives, using the same instrumental observations and the same polygonal route, but with different elements of starting and control.The authors propose to use a different method to solve the problem, other than the clasical one in condition of minimal visibility known points (one point unstationary).
Toderas M.
Model reologic de analiza a stabilitatii excavatiilor subterane pe baza principiului interactiunii - Reologic Model of Analysis of The Underground Excavations Stability Based on Interaction Principle
During the underground workings, are measured and frequently followed the developed deformations that surround the excavations on the outline of the working, and their distribution in the working area and inside the rock's massif. In order to establish a long time behaviour of these structures, the creep's processes must be very well understood and known (they develop slowly in time) and relaxation that take place in the massif, which on short time period is combined with the progressive discharge of the massif. An empirical model that was developed in the study of circular tunnels is the Panet Sulem one, based on the interaction method' principle.
Vlad V.
Aspecte privind dominarea riscurilor prin prevenirea accidentelor - Aspects Concerning The Risks Domination by Accidents Prevention
The installations security must be obtained when there are many danger sources and the risks are controlled and dominated only through mantaining the installation within a security area pre-defined. The realization of a strong security of the industrial installations is a major problem within the industrial activities.
Chirila D., Dura C.
Procedeu de determinare a relatiei dintre nivelul de vibratie, incarcatura de exploziv si distanta explozie-punct de masurare - Determination Process of The Relation Between The Vibration Level, Explosive Charge and The Explosion-Measurement Point Distance
Protecting the constructions against deteriorations caused bz explosions enquire an seismic and vibration efficiency control methods. Those methods must sutisfy some requirements. Now we will present the requirements and the methods.
Veres J., Vlad V.
Rezolvarea grafica a unor probleme topografice - Graphical Solution of Some Topographic Problems
The advent of digital representation made it possible to resolve some topography problems like: angular intersections, linear intersections, nonresident polygonations, mining polygonations. These problems are not possible to be resolve on plans in analogical format because the reading precision of the coordinates of the points acquired on a graphic way is not exactly. In this paper we present the AutoCAD resolving of different occurrence of topographical intersections.
Chirila D., Dura C.
Sustinerea provizorie a excavatiilor subterane si rolul acesteia - Temporary Sustain of Underground Excavations and The Part of it
Theoretical, it is considered possible the prevent of deformations of rocks if the maintenance is installed immediately after the work is done. Practically this thing is not possible because the maintenance is lated installed. It must be chose the place and the exact time to install the maintenance for the geomechanics concrete conditions.
Toderas M.
Consideratii privind legile vascoase ce caracterizeaza comportamentul diferitelor tipuri de roci argiloase - Considerations Concerning The Viscous Laws which Characterize The Different Types of Argillaceous Rocks Behavior
In order to make a rheological characterization of the rock's behaviour, there were elaborated different non liniar behaviour laws, associated to a plasticity criteria, considering or not a hardening phenomena.
Zoller I.
Posibilitati de determinare a diametrului conductelor de evacuare a apelor subterane din industria extractiva - Determination Possibilities of The Diameter of The Underground Water Evacuation Pipes From The Extractive Industry
To hydraulic sizing of the sewer pipes ,a quick method using diagrams were established by Maschinenfabric fr Abwassertechnik.In this paper, we would like to present the fact that this method could be applied, in good condition, also to the hydraulic sizing of the water drain pipes and of the mine filling pipes from the coal extractive industry.
Chiselita I.
Comentarii asupra parametrilor analizei la sarcini seismice a constructiilor miniere de tipul turnurilor de extractie miniera, prin prisma implementarii eurocodului 8 - Comments Over The Analysis Parameters at The Seismic Charge of The Mining Buildings of Mining Extraction Towers Type, in a Certain Light of Euro-code 8 Implementation
At the beginning of 1990, the first standards from the mining constructions were finished and published for our country that mean the standards regarding the ones for extraction towers with the machine in the tower and on the ground called the STAS no.12.907/1-90 The mining installations for the extraction- EXTRACTION TOWER. The classification, the shapes and dimensions, the STAS no.12.907/2-90, The mining installations for extraction- EXTRACTION TOWERS.
Herbei O., Ular R.
Monitorizarea fenomenului de deplasare si deformare a suprafetei terenurilor ca urmare a exploatarilor miniere subterane - The Monitoring of the Phenomenon of The Shifting and Deformation of The Ground Surface Due to The Underground Mining Exploitations
The study of areas movements as a result of the underground mining exploitations of the mineral rocks constitute a main objective of the research in the mining industry due to a greater necessity to conserve the integrity of the area surface, to reduce the lost reserve into the pillars, etc.
Toderas M., Prodanciuc A.
Procedee de analiza a stabilitatii pilierilor la exploatarea sarii geme pe cale uscata - Analysis Procedures of The Stability of Pillars at The common Salt exploitation on Dry Mode
The stability of the underground excavations is determined by the value of the loads that are manifested in the rock's massif. The highest value of this load, belong to the initial state of stress and stress concentrations which appear after the mining workings are made. When in an intact massif are realized underground excavations, on its line, it takes place a redistribution of the stress, which in lots of cases determine the deformation of the unsustained excavations.
Beldea M.
O noua abordare in topografia miniera - A New Landing in Mining Topography
The main purpose of mine surveying is to create and to update permanently a quatro-dimensional model of the mine area, with all his components from undergroud to surface. The traditional mine surveying accomplished this mission with his own methods. Thereby a plenty of plans and maps were produced. These represent, in a chronological manner, the mine areas dynamics.
Fisguss K.
Un model matematic cu functii de influenta asimetrice pentru prognoza influentelor exploatarii subterane - A Mathematic Model with Asymmetric Functions of Influence For Underground Mining Influences Prognosis
In this article a mathematic model with asymmetric functions of influence for underground mining influences prognosis is developed.
Bacalu I.
Exploatarea stratului IV de lignit din cariera Husnicoara - The Exploitation of The 4th lIgnite Layer from Husnicioara Pit.
The efficient economical condition exploitation of the 4th lignite layer of the mining perimeter of Husnicioara Vest quarry it's made with great difficulty because: - different quality of the coal banks ; - existence of higher number of sterile intercalations, with development on the whole mining field.
Semen C.
Mari personalitati ale invatamantului superior minier romanesc Nicolae Letu - Great Personalities of The Romanian Superior Education Prof.univ.dr.eng Nicoale Letu