CUPRINS Nr. 4 / 2008

Ilias N., Radu S., Andras I.
Securitatea muncii in minele de carbune din Ucraina - The Security of Work in Coal Mines from Ukraine
In Kiev, in 26th of February 2008, the meeting of the Mining Science Academy of Ukraine took place, managed by the President of the Academy, prof. univ. dr. ing. Vladimir Bazov. On this occasion, a scientific-practical conference concerning "The security of work in coal mines from Ukraine" was organized.
Trotea T., Antonie D., Diaconescu P.
Determinari experimentale pentru greutatea volumetrica a stocurilor de carbune - Experimental Determinations for Volumetric Weight of Coal Supplies
S.C. Energetic Complex ROVINARI SA was founded by HG. no. 103/2004 by reorganization of "Termoelectica" Electrical and Thermic Energy Producing Trading Company S.A and of "Oltenia" Lignite National Company - S.A Targu Jiu E.M.C Rovinari and it has for an object the producing and the delivering of electrical and thermic energy based on lignite.
Popescu F. D., Magyari A.
Sistem de control al nivelului lichidelor in cadrul C.N.H. Petrosani - Liquid Level Control System for The N.C.H. Petrosani
The continuous level control of water and other technological liquids, is of great importance both from a continuous technological process inside mining exploitations point of view, measuring the level of the collector reservoirs and pumps aspiration pit, inside of cesspools of pits and inside eventual pit digging, and from work security point of view.
Herbei O., Badulescu D., Frank A.
Timpul - factor important in procesul de deplasare si deformare a suprafetei terestre sub influenta exploatarilor subterane - The Time - An Important Element in Shifting and Deformation Process of The Terrestrial Surface under The Influence of Underground Exploitations
As a result of the underground exploitation of the useful mineral substance deposits the movement of the roof rocks is produced, affecting the integrity of the surface land. The size of the surface's degradation and the rock's movement character are influenced mainly by a number of factors. Depending on them, the rocks' ruination phenomena under the influence of the exploited space can transmit or not to the surface.
Plesea V., Pavelonesc I., Bican P., Radu S., Orban M., Chiril Gh., Jujan C.
Solutii de crestere a competitivitatii minelor din Valea Jiului prin mecanizarea operatiilor la metoda de exploatare cu banc subminat - Increasing Solutions of The Competitiveness of The Mines from Jiului Valley by Mechanization of The Operations at The Exploitation Method with Undermining Bed
The present paper, whose character is preponderant applicative and of novelty, it is concentrating, as first stage of development, on partial mechanization solutions of operations complexes that compose the abatis cycle, being presented the type and technical and technological performances of possible to use equipment, as well as the size of possible to accomplish technical-economical indicators.
Vasilescu G. D., Simion S., Cioclea D.
Contributii la elaborarea unor metode moderne de analiza si evaluare a riscurilor profesionale (I) - Contributions at The elaboration of Some Modern Methods of Analysis and Evaluation of Occupational Risks (I)
The evaluation of the occupational risk represents an operation whose purpose is to evaluate (assess) the risk for accidents and occupational diseases which can occur during the development of some hazards produced by human activities inside the working system, with the view to giving a qualitative and a quantitative size of this element.
Nistor C.
Influenta Haldei de steril Valea Stiucani asupra dinamicii locale a reliefului (I) - The Influence of Stiucani Valley Sterile Waste Over The Local Dynamic of The Relief (I)
The Stiucani sterile rocks waste is overlaied on a small steep valley from north of plateau. In this paperwork we propose to analyse the influence of natural morfology and geomorphology processes about the dynamic of this waste. We mapped, on eary maps (from 1969), at detailed scale, all geomorphologycal processes from the area, and compared this product with the actual situation of processes occured on the waste.
Duma S.
Radioactivitatea si riscul desertificarii nucleare a planetei (I) - The Radioactivity and The risk of Nuclear Desertification of The Planet (I)
In this article, a synthesis about the risks of the nuclear radioactivity and desertification of the planet is made.
Cozma E.
Personalitati ale Universitatii din Petrosani Stefan Covaci ctitor al invatamantului superior minier modern din tara noastra