CUPRINS Nr. 3 / 2008

Medves E., Turdean N.
Inchiderea si reconstructia ecologica a obiectivelor miniere, procese dinamice in continua adaptare la conditiile concrete din teren si la solicitarile comunitatilor locale, intr-un context economic viabil (Studiu de caz asupra Carierei Bodos din jud. Covasna) - The Ecologic Closing and Reconstruction of The Mining Objectives, Dynamic Processes in Permanent Adaptation at The Concrete Conditions from The Ground and at The Local Communities' Demand in a Viable Economic Context (Case Study of The Bodos Pit from Covasna County)
The closing activity of the mining objectives and the ecologic reconstruction of the areas that were affected by the exploitation workings represents one of the most complex activities related to the exploitation and the revaluation of the stocks of the mineral resources. In this article, the Bodos pit from Covasna county is referred.
Onica I., Cozma E.
Rambleierea galeriilor de coasta Sfanta Varvara si Ida in vederea asigurarii stabilitatii terenului si a drumurilor din perimetrul Cozla - The Stowing of The St. Varvara and Ida Coast Galleries to Provide The Stability of The Ground and of The Roads from Cozla Perimeter
In the Cozla mine closure plan are involved the stowing of main shaft and the stowing of Sfanta Varvara and Ida adits with material from the dump of the mine, so as to ensure the ground surface's and roadways' stability. In this way, the geo-mechanic characteristics of the dump rocks and the ground stability analysis under the adits influence, using a finite element code, are presented in this paper.
Lazar M., Popa S.
Solutii de reabilitare ecologica a zonei Valea Arsului, apartinand E.M. Vulcan - The Ecologic Rehabilitation Solutions for The Arsului Valley Area that Belongs to E.M. Vulcan
In this article there are presented some solutions for ecologic rehabilitation of the Arsului Valley that belongs to E.M. Vulcan.
Arad V., Arad S., Danciu C., Moldovan O., Cotes D.
Studii teoretice si experimentale privind stabilitatea elementelor de rezistenta la exploatarea sarii la Ocna Dej - Theoretic and Experimental Studies for The Elements of Strength Stability at The Salt Exploitation at Ocna Dej
The paper has as goal to purchase the stability of resistance elements in pillars, floors and rooms at rock salt mining from Ocna Dej, according to the salt characteristics and stress state. The stability criteria mentioned in literature were employed than the stresses in resistance elements were computed. The stresses were assessed both by analytical and numerical techniques. For the first time the stresses were determined for the case in which several rooms are developed and by numerical simulation - using the Mathlab Simulink software / the stresses acting in pillars and floors, from the rheological point of view.
Kovacs A., Cioara C. R., Rus D. C.
Dezvoltarea facilitatilor de testare al laboratorului de explozivi din cadrul INCD-INSEMEX Petrosani in perioada 2006-2007 - The Development of The Testing Facilities at The Explosives Laboratory from INCD-INSEMEX Petrosani in 2006-2007
The increase of the technical level of the Laboratory for Explosives and Blasting Techniques to ful the requirements of the harmonized European standards regarding the Directive 93/15/CEE involves the maintaining of a scientific and financial effort to continuous improvement of the infrastructure for testing in the field of the civil use explosives. For that target INCD-INSEMEX Petrosani performed a set of activities financed both from the budget and also from the institutes own resources to equip with apparatus and test stands witch can achieve the applicable technical requirements.
Chirila D.
Urmarirea comportarii sustinerii la actiunile hidrotehnice de pe raul Jiu, zona Dumitra - Bumbesti - The Pursuit of The Support Behavior at Hydrotechnical Actions from The Jiu River, Dumitra-Bumbesti Area
In this article there is presented the situation of the support behavior at hydrotechnical actions from the Jiu river, Dumitra-Bumbesti Area.
Csaszar T., Burian S., Vasilescu D.
Interconectarea circuitelor in sistemele cu securitate intrinseca, utilizate in atmosfere potential explozive, destinate pentru grupa I (mine grizutoase) - The Interconnecting of Circuits in The Systems with Intrinsic Security, used in Potential Explosive Atmospheres Dedicated for The First Group (Firedamp Mines)
Design and use of supply circuits from non-linear sources need thorough knowledge and a vast experience in using the electric equipment intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres. When there is analyzed the safety level for a combination of supply sources with non-linear outputs, then the interaction among these two circuits can augment considerably the energy dissipation through the regulating components of the circuit, aspect that shall have to be considered during the evaluation process.
Doval E.
Prioritati in managementul intreprinderilor mici si mijlocii din Valea Jiului - Priorities in the management of the small and medium companies from Jiului Valley
This paper is underlining the main aspects that Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) have to face when wish to internationalise. Finally some factors helping SMEs from Valea Jiului to enter the international markets are discussed.