CUPRINS Nr. 12 / 2007

Editorial - Simionescu A., Mangu S.I.
Resursele naturale in gandirea economica - Natural Resources in Economic Thinking
Any type of economic activity implies the use of natural resources as natural factors of production. This justifies the appearance of a new field natural resources economy, and the problem of using natural resources has been settled differently in the long run acording to economic school and specialists in the field.
Cozma E., Hirian C., Semen C., Onica I.
Studiul fenomenelor care au generat avarierea spontana a putului principal de extractie al minei Baia Noua din data de 07.08.2006 (III) - Study of Phenomena that Generated The Spontaneous Damage of Extraction Main Well of Baia Noua Mine from August 7, 2006 (III)
This work refers to a problem of mining engineering, those of wells stability. Concretely, to analyze and ascertain the causes of the spontaneous damage of extraction main well at Baia Noua Mine from August 7, 2006.
Mununar Gh., Sink E. A., Surulescu D. L., Jujan C., Cioclea D., Toth I.
Instalatie mobila de inertizare, instrument eficace in serviciul exploatarilor miniere din Valea Jiului - Mobile Equipment for Insertization - Efficient Tool in Jiu Valley Mines' Service
Considering the present situation of the hardcoal mining in Romania, the purchase and the use of a NESSER type mobile insrrtization equipment is a real step forward and an accomplishment with respect to the preventive measures and for fighting against mine fires that can occur in the Jiu Valley coal mines.
Cioclea D., Toth I., Jurca L., Jujan C., Dragoescu P.
Inertizarea - mijloc eficient de combatere a unor riscuri majore in minerit - The Inertisation - Efficient Mean Used to Avoid Some Important Risk Factors in Mining Industry
When mining underground coal deposits a series of risk factors might occur. One of the most important risk factors is the occurrence of spontaneous combustions.
Cojocaru C.
Influenta caracteristicilor fazei solide a tulburelii asupra filtrarii in instalatiile de preparare a carbunilor - The Influence of Cloudiness Solid Phase Characteristics on The Filtration at Coal Preparation Installations
This paper presents the impact of characteristics of cloudiness solid phase on the filtration at coal preparation installations.
Muntean I. O.
Utilizarea ozonatoarelor pentru tratarea apelor uzate si pentru potabilizare - Use of Ozon Equipment for The Waste Waters Treatment and to Make them Drinkable
The paper presents the advantages of the ozonization work implementation in treatment installations for surface and underground waters in the view to provide drinking water and for the waste waters treatment.
Felea C. M.
Ajutorul de stat in minerit, ultima incertitudine a managementului din acest sector - State Financial Help for Mining Organizations, The Last Incertitude for This Sectorial Management
European policy regarding state financial help is clear, certain, and Romania takes business-like commitements for applying that policy, as E.U. member. If that is obvious, instead the adhesion movement of mining sector at those requirements generates incertitude. The incertitude degree is so high, that paralised any coherent action. Unfortunate, the consequence may translate into mining affairs disolving, for the majority of subjects with public capital.
Dobrin M.
Gestiunea activitatii creativ-inovative in industria miniera - Management of Creative-Innovative Activity in Mining Industry
The economic agents from mining industry earmark a bigger volume of financial, material, informational and human resources for research-development activities, for ideas, new products and technologies production, for the elaboration and implementation of some proper management methods.
Nistor C., Marinescu M.
Analiza modificarilor antropice ale reliefului prin utilizare imaginilor IKONOS - Zona Rovinari (II) - Anthropic Modification Analysis of The Using IKONOS Images - Rovinari Zone (II)
Anthropic modification analysis of the using IKONOS images. The paperwork's goal is to indentify the optimal way in which the antropic relief can be studied usig high resolution images, combined with up-to-date MNT.