CUPRINS Nr. 8 / 2006

Neagu F.
Trecut si viitor in energetica romaneasca - Past and Future in Romanian Energetics
The author has chosen to graphically represent the evolution of the mineral raw materials production. After it is proven that these resources are limited and non-renewable, the lack of perspective of Romanian energetics is brought into evidence. Afterwards the imminent decline of the Romanian economy is revealed, its final target being des-industrialisation.
Dita S.
Institutul Geologic al Romaniei, promotorul cercetarilor geologice economice din Romania 1906 - 2006 - The Geological Institute of Romania - The Promoter of Economic Geological Research in Romania 1906 - 2006
The research done by foreign geologists and mining engineers on the territory of Romania in the first half of the nineteenth century was continued by the Geological Bureau of Bucharest (1882-1889) and by the Mining and Geological Department (1896-1906) and above all, beginning with the year of 1906, when the Geological Institute of Romania was founded.
Gaf-Deac I., Ilias N., Andras I., Surulescu D.
Directii spre performanta in domeniul tehnologiilor - Towards Performances in The Field of Technologies
The improvement of techologies is an objective necesity, because they are influencing the social-economic praxis and are affecting the future at individual and colective level. The improvement of technology performance requires improvements at organizational level, operationalization of the innovation and mentality diferentiation.
Plesea V., Popescu C., Guta C.
Situatia actuala si perspectiva mecanizarii exploatarii huilei din Valea Jiului prin aplicarea metodei cu banc subminat - The Present Position and The Prospect of Mechanization of Hard Coal Exploitation in The Jiu Valley by Applying The Undermined Bed Method
At the working Jiu Valley's working mines, the coal exploitations is made with or without the layer division into slices, by the classical frontal mining works which participate up to 38% to the total production on the coal basin and with working mines with undermined bed, which participates to the production accomplishment with about 62%.
Fodor D., Cotocea N.
Influenta masivului de roci asupra proiectarii si realizarii lucrarilor de forare impuscare (I) - Effect of Rocks Massif on Designing and Carrying Out of Drilling Works (I)
The results of drilling works depend on the rocks massif extracted and the quality of equipments and materials used. This article makes a detailed analysis of the impact of rocks massiffs composition and structure on the manner of work and results.
Matyas M., Radulescu L. C.
Evolutia activitatii de asecare la Cariera Rosia de Jiu - The Evolution of Dewatering at Rosia de Jiu Pit
Through the dynamic funds importances with possibility of regenerate reserve, the aquiferous cumulated horizons in structure deposit create difficulties to the exploitation of the lignite, enforcing the execution of special works evacuate the waters from the perimeter by exploitation.
Kovacs A., Radoi F.
Importanta evaluarii incertitudinii de masurare la incercarea explozivilor de uz civil - The Importance of The Evaluation of Measurement Incertitude at Civil Use Explosives Test
Recently Romania adopted the European legislation regarding the explosives for civil use: Directive 93/15/CEE. In the annex of the directive are established the essential safety requirements which shall be tested applying the harmonized European standards.
Felea C. M.
Inchiderea afacerii miniere in Bazinul Vaii Jiului si economia de piata libera - Mining Affair Closure in Jiu Valley vs. Free Market Economy
Mining affairs closure in Romania carried on by government decisions, a perfect suitable process in the logic of state's bureaucracy apparatus. Somehow process has reduced to complicated, extended and low-transparent closure solutions, after a long negotiantion between Romanian Government and I.M.F., W.B. or European Commision, regarding translation to a free market economy.