CUPRINS Nr. 1 / 2006

Turdean N., Gabrian C.F.
Managementul riscului de mediu in industria miniera - Management of Environment Risk in Mining Industry
Environment protection is one of our society priorities. An important role of govern is to promote the standards and norms' legislation in this field and to control their observance aiming the lasting development.
Arens V.J.
Noua Rusie: Poporul, invatamantul, complexul de materii prime minerale - cautarea cailor de supravietuire - New Russia: The People, The Education, The Complex of Mineral Raw Materials - Search for Survival Ways
For readers' information, the editorial board initiated the presentation of works that deals with actual technical and economical problems of extractive industry, especially in the countries in transition to market economy.
Ilias N., Fodor D., Andras I.
Primul Congres Balcanic Minier BALKANMIN - 2005 - First Balkan Mining Congress BALKANMIN 2005
Between 13 and 17 of September 2005, in Varna, estival resort Sf. Constantin and Elena, at Scientists House took place the First Balkan Mining Congress under the care of BALKANMINE - Mining Balkan Committee and of SF. Ivan Rilsky Mines and Geology University of Sofia.
Gilca C.
Studiul posibilitatilor de boltire a camerelor de la oriz. +230m, oriz. +448 Telegdy - Salina Praid - Study of Ways for Vaulting The Rooms from 230 M, +448 Level Telegdy Praid Saline
Based on the knowledge of geomecanical characteristics of salt from Praid, also on a correct dimensioning of resistance structure - room, cog, floor - the work aim to study the possibility to vault the exploitation rooms to recover of a large salt quantity of high quality.
Itu V., Dumitrescu I., Ridzi C.M., Magyari A., Suciu A.
Variatia sarcinilor transmise turnurilor instalatiilor de extractie in cazul aplicarii franei de siguranta - Variation of Loads Transmitted to The Towers of The Extracting Installations in The Case of The Application of The Emergency Brake
In the paper there are presented certain aspects concerning the determination of loads transmitted through the bearings of the extracting pulleys to the structure of the towers of the extracting installations in the case of the application of the emergency brake, due to the increase of speed above the maximum admitted, a case considered perturbation or emergency.
Toth L., Sarbu R., Badulescu C.
Dispozitiv de aerare - hidroaeratorul - interdependenta dintre parametrii de iesire si intrare a hidroaeratorului (II) - Aeration Device - Hidroaerator The Interdependence Between In and Out Parameters of Hidroaerator(II)
For the characterization of the interdependences between I/O parameters of the "Hidroaerator", we applied the statistical - mathematics method of correlation and regression.
Lupu C., Toth I., Cioclea D., Tamas D., Truta A.
Metode clasice de previziune a degajarilor de metan (III) - Prevision Classic Method for Methane Releasing (III)
This paper shall be presented in 4 separate articles and intends to make an overview of the prognosis of methane emissions within the areas affected by mining operations and of the prognosis methods developed by well-known experts from countries with an advanced mining.